Should You Renovate Inside Or Outside First?

So you’ve decided to take on a renovation project, but now you’re faced with an important decision: should you renovate inside or outside first? It’s a common dilemma that many homeowners face when embarking on a home improvement journey. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of both options, helping you make an informed choice that suits your needs and budget. Whether you prioritize enhancing your living space’s functionality or improving your home’s curb appeal, we’ve got you covered with valuable insights and practical tips.

Should You Renovate Inside Or Outside First?

Cost Considerations

When deciding whether to renovate inside or outside your home first, one of the key factors to consider is the cost. Renovations can be expensive, and it’s important to budget carefully to ensure that you can afford the changes you want to make.

Materials and labor

One aspect to consider when assessing the cost of renovations is the materials and labor involved. Depending on the extent of the renovations, you may need to purchase new materials such as flooring, paint, or fixtures. Additionally, hiring contractors for labor can add to the overall expense. It’s important to research the costs of materials and labor, and factor this into your budget before making a decision.

Budget constraints

Another consideration when deciding whether to tackle an interior or exterior renovation first is your budget constraints. If you have a limited budget, it may be more feasible to focus on one area at a time. Assess the cost estimates for both interior and exterior renovations and determine which fits within your budget constraints. Prioritizing your renovations based on your financial resources can help avoid overstretching yourself financially.

Assessment of Condition

Before embarking on any renovations, it’s essential to assess the current condition of both the interior and exterior of your home. This will help you identify any potential issues that need to be addressed and assist in determining which area to renovate first.

Interior assessment

Take a close look at the condition of your home’s interior. Are there any noticeable issues such as outdated fixtures, worn-out flooring, or peeling paint? Assess the overall functionality of each room and consider whether any improvements are necessary to enhance the comfort and livability of your space.

Exterior assessment

Equally important is the assessment of your home’s exterior. Check for any signs of wear and tear, such as cracked or damaged siding, deteriorating paint, or issues with the roof. Consider the overall curb appeal of your home and determine if any exterior renovations are needed to improve its aesthetic appeal and protect it from further damage.

Structural Integrity

The structural integrity of your home is a crucial aspect to consider when deciding whether to renovate inside or outside first. Addressing any potential structural issues is essential for the long-term stability and safety of your home.

Interior structural issues

If you suspect any structural issues within your home, such as sagging floors, cracks in walls, or problems with the foundation, it’s important to address these before tackling any cosmetic interior renovations. Structural issues can significantly impact the overall safety and functionality of your home, so addressing them first is essential.

Exterior structural issues

Similarly, if there are any concerns about the structural integrity of your home’s exterior, such as issues with the foundation, unstable walls, or damage to the roof, it is crucial to address these before focusing on cosmetic exterior renovations. Ensuring the structural stability of your home’s exterior will help protect it from further damage and maintain its long-term value.

Timeline and Efficiency

Considering the timeline and efficiency of your renovations is another important factor to weigh when deciding whether to renovate inside or outside first. The order in which you undertake your renovations can impact how quickly and efficiently the overall process is completed.

Interior renovation timeline

If you prioritize interior renovations first, you may have a quicker turnaround time for completing those projects. Since interior renovations often involve less time-consuming tasks, such as painting or installing new flooring, you can potentially complete them more efficiently. This can be advantageous if you’re looking for a faster transformation of your living spaces.

Exterior renovation timeline

On the other hand, exterior renovations tend to be more weather-dependent and can take longer to complete. Factors such as the seasonality and weather conditions can impact the timeline for exterior projects. If time is a crucial consideration, it may be more efficient to focus on interior renovations first, especially if you live in an area with unpredictable weather patterns.

Should You Renovate Inside Or Outside First?

Weather and Seasonal Factors

Considering the impact of weather and seasonal factors on your renovations is essential, especially for exterior projects. The timing of your renovations can impact the overall quality and success of your desired changes.

Weather impact on interior renovation

Interior renovations are generally less affected by weather conditions since they are conducted within the controlled environment of your home. Rain or extreme temperatures may not pose significant challenges for interior projects. However, if you have extensive renovations that involve removing walls or making structural changes, it’s still crucial to plan around any potential disruptions caused by weather.

Weather impact on exterior renovation

Exterior renovations, on the other hand, can be greatly impacted by weather conditions. Painting, roofing, or landscaping projects often require dry weather and moderate temperatures to achieve optimal results. Planning your exterior renovations during seasons with more predictable weather can help ensure the success and longevity of these changes.

Resale Value

Considering the impact of renovations on the resale value of your home is important if you plan to sell in the future. Knowing which renovations add the most value can help you make an informed decision about where to start.

Interior renovation impact on resale value

Interior renovations, such as kitchen or bathroom upgrades, can have a significant impact on the resale value of your home. These are often key areas that potential buyers pay attention to and are willing to pay a premium for. If increasing the value of your home is a priority, starting with interior renovations could be beneficial.

Exterior renovation impact on resale value

While interior renovations can greatly influence buyers’ perceptions, curb appeal is also of utmost importance. First impressions matter, and enhancing the exterior of your home can increase its overall market value. Investing in exterior renovations, such as landscaping or improving the facade, can significantly impact the resale value and attract potential buyers.

Functionality and Accessibility

Assessing the functionality and accessibility of your home is crucial when deciding whether to renovate inside or outside first. Identifying areas that require improvements for better livability can guide your renovation priorities.

Interior functionality improvements

If certain areas of your home lack functionality, such as inadequate storage space or cramped layouts, it may be wise to prioritize interior renovations. Enhancing functionality can greatly improve your day-to-day living experience and ensure that your space meets your specific needs.

Exterior accessibility improvements

If your home has accessibility concerns, such as the absence of ramps or suitable entries for those with mobility challenges, focusing on exterior renovations first may be more beneficial. Improving accessibility can make a significant difference for residents and visitors, ensuring that everyone can navigate your property comfortably and safely.

Personal Preference

Ultimately, personal preference plays a vital role in the decision-making process of whether to renovate inside or outside first. Considering your own desires and goals for your home can help guide your renovation priorities.

Individual preference for interior renovation

If your personal preference lies in creating a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing living space, starting with interior renovations may align with your goals. Investing in the areas where you spend the most time can enhance your overall satisfaction with your home.

Individual preference for exterior renovation

Alternatively, if you value the curb appeal and exterior aesthetics of your home, beginning with exterior renovations may align better with your personal preference. Enhancing the exterior can give your home a fresh and inviting look, reflecting your style and creating a positive impression for visitors and passersby.

Noise and Disruption

When contemplating renovations, it’s important to consider the noise and disruption they may cause. Evaluating the potential impact on your daily life can help inform your decision-making process.

Interior noise and disruption

Interior renovations, such as demolishing walls or installing new flooring, can generate significant noise and disruption within your home. If you have young children, work from home, or simply prefer a quiet living environment, it may be wise to start with exterior renovations first to minimize disturbances.

Exterior noise and disruption

While exterior renovations may also involve some noise and disruption, they are generally less intrusive compared to major interior projects. Landscaping or painting, for example, can usually be done without disrupting your daily routine to the same extent. Thus, if minimizing disturbances is a priority, starting with exterior renovations may be a preferable option.

Coordinated Design

Achieving a coordinated and cohesive design throughout your home is an important consideration. Deciding whether to renovate inside or outside first can impact how well your design choices flow from one area to another.

Interior and exterior design coordination

If you have a specific design style or theme in mind for your home, beginning with either interior or exterior renovations can help ensure a coordinated look. Design elements, such as color schemes or architectural features, can be carried throughout your home more seamlessly if renovations are done in a coordinated sequence.

Sequential design approach

Alternatively, you may choose to take a sequential design approach, where you start with one area and gradually make your way to the other. This can allow you to fully focus on each area and make design choices based on the progress of the previous renovations. Sequential design can also be more flexible, allowing you to refine your vision as you go along.

In conclusion, the decision of whether to renovate inside or outside first depends on a variety of factors. Considering cost, condition, structural integrity, timeline, weather, resale value, functionality, personal preference, noise, disruption, and coordinated design can help you make an informed choice. Assess your priorities, budget, and goals for your home to determine which area to tackle first and create the desired changes that will enhance your living experience.


